Encentrum lutra: specimen from (3) with resting egg. Although the specimens in this sample were extraordinary abundant (≈ 30 individuals / ml) no males could be found. |
Encentrum lutra: specimen from (1). A specimen with small foot and short toes. |
Encentrum lutra: the arrowheads point to two structures that may be fungal parasites.The arrows mark the right duct of the retrocerebral organ (RCO) (2). |
Encentrum lutra: head of another specimen from the same sample; the arrowheads point to one of the ducts of the retrocerebral organ (RCO). (3) |
Encentrum lutra: Left: forcipate trophi (1) with relative short intramallei; inner margins of the rami are smooth; rami length / width < 1.4; fulcrum short; outer outline of rami straight; rami with 2-3 terminal teeth. In contrast to Encentrum orthodactylum or Encentrum gulo the supramanubria look like a khanjar. (1) Right: forcipate trophi of specimen from (4); focus plane on the epipharyngeral plates. |
Encentrum lutra: trophi, unci; BE: basal expansion; T: tooth; UA: uncinal apophyse (2) |
Encentrum lutra: trophi, preuncinal teeth (2) |
Encentrum lutra: resting egg; detail (4) |
Encentrum lutra: the arrow points to the ramate trophi of a Philodina rotifer which were also very abundant in this sample (3). Because of the high abundance of E. lutra a small test showed that 2 from 20 observed specimens had trophi of bdelloids rotifers in the stomach. (5) |
Encentrum lutra: specimen infested by parasites. Specimen from the same area, but a different location. More on this here >>> |
Location 4: nature reserve NSG Unteres Odertal; BB, Germany; Griftegraben, footpath (1;2) |
Habitat 4: detritus in concrete |
Date 4: coll.: 28.05.2022; img.: 28.05.2022 (4); 31.05.2022 (5) |
Location: Hattingen Obestüter, staircase (1); Hattingen Wodantal, (2) |
Habitat: moss on concrete (1); algal mat (2) |
Date: 19.11.2016 (1); coll. 14.01.2020; img: 14.01.2020 (2) 15.01.2020 (3) |